Our Process & Methodology

Explore how we implement hundreds of successful projects with Scrum/Agile Methodology

Our Methodology


We understand that the traditional waterfall project management model might not be ideal as it often is risky and error-prone. To minimize such unfavorable possibilities, DTN adopts Scrum/Agile methodology as the basis for developing and implementing e-commerce projects.

What is Agile Methodology? Simply put, it is a flexible method where the development team works as a unit to reach a common goal. A project meeting in which the team must present a potentially shippable product increment is organised after a Srpint (every two weeks). These ongoing iterations allow us to assess the direction throughout the development lifecycle. Agile's two guiding principles—responding to change and client involvement—are two traits that DTN possesses. We embrace changes, as long as they enhance the functionality of your site. We love listening to your feedback, because you are the one who makes your site exactly what you want it to be. Your success is our pleasure and we would love to be a step in your staircase to success. That's all there is to it: Your satisfaction is our happiness.

Step 1: Discovery

A lot of questions. We want to understand clearly your needs, your objectives and based on your sharing, we could address various development and technological options. The ultimate goal of this step is to produce a product backlog - a summary that lists your detailed stories about expected work, functionality, and business processes with acceptance criteria. At this stage, we should also come to an agreement of wireframes, which represent the skeletal framework of your website.

Step 2: Planning

Every project needs having a plan and so do ones at DTN. Having all your stories in hand, our objective in this step is to create a project plan which includes a breakdown of your stories into different activities/technical parts. The aim of this plan is not limited to project deadline for each activity, it is also used as a document where we could foresee best possible resources allocation as well as potential risks. A well-defined plan is one that transform successfully business needs to technical needs and requirements, so that both parties (you - the client and us - Magento service provider) can easily understand. In Scrum/Agile methodology, this is very important as after each sprint, the plan gets reviewed and adjusted.

Step 3: Graphic Design ​​

The wireframes received in Step 1 is a true sidekick here. Our Design team will create elements for your online store based on those so-called ‘blueprints’ and the design phase is continuously looped until being approved. The outcome, which stores all your website design elements, is typically produced as PSD files.

Step 4: Implementation ​

At this stage, our designers and developers join together to slide, integrate graphical designs to Magento template and implement features for your online store. Depending on the development package that you chose at the beginning, there might be custom application development required. And there you have it - a fully functional store that is ready for testing!

Step 5: Quality Assurance ​

We believe that the testing is an integral part of development phase. We comply with the most rigorous standards for QA (Quality Assurance). It includes cross-browser testing, feature testing, and performance testing. Only if the product passes these thorough series of tests, we hand it over to you for approval and sign off.

Step 6: User Acceptance Test

Before launching, we strongly recommend you to have your own testing of features and user experience. You should cross-check with the product backlog that we agreed at the beginning to see if everything is covered and the result is what you expected. Once signed off, we prepare the site for the launch.

Step 7: Training

Before launching, we strongly recommend you to have your own testing of features and user experience. You should cross-check with the product backlog that we agreed at the beginning to see if everything is covered and the result is what you expected. Once signed off, we prepare the site for the launch.

Step 8: Go Live

Your website is now ready to launch. But our commitment is not ended here yet. We can help you further to boost your traffic and measure the success of your site. Or should you need any further assistance, we are always available to support you.

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